Sunday, May 17, 2009

East Window With Boat

Whee - more fun! That's my sailboat at the bottom of this one; I'm really loving how the strokes, once enhanced with the stylus, merge so well with the background. Since I'm still out of ink (due to buying black instead of the tri-color cartridge) I can't proof it, so there may be more work to do.

Cassie's chief obsession at the moment is toads, which are super-abundant this year already. I am living proof that they don't give you warts - have handled hundreds of the warty things, and not one bump on my hands. In my first career, I was a pre-vet and zoology major, and did my parasitology research project with the help of six unfortunate toads. Since then as penance I've rescued them from my canine "Jaws of Death" at every opportunity. Should have started a tally sheet in April - I think this year is going to break the record. And yes, my neighbors (and family) think I'm totally nuts!

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